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The Snow Queen

"The Snow Queen" at Knutsford Little Theatre is a play based on Hans Christian Anderson's fable. It follows Karl and Heidi fighting the evil Snow Queen with Granny Strudel’s helpers. The story includes henchmen and a mysterious Yeti. Come to see how it unfolds.

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A Bunch of Amateurs

Fading Hollywood star Jefferson Steele arrives in a small Suffolk village to play King Lear, mistakenly expecting a prestigious production. Instead, he meets a quirky amateur dramatic group fighting to save their theatre. Steele confronts his ego and insecurities, learning about himself and finding his inner Lear amidst the chaos.

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"I Am My Own Wife" tells the remarkable true story of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, an East Berlin transvestite who survives under Nazi and Communist rule. The play triumphs in its depiction of human resilience and the celebration of the indomitable human spirit.

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